Djemaa El-Fna, Marrakech

Photo by Mike Greene

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Place Djemaa El-Fna or "The Big Square" for English speakers is the place to be in Marrakech both for tourists and the locals who, by far, predominated. It is a place to eat at night, to shop, and to be entertained anytime. We found ourselves here every night we were in Marrakech. It is the crossroads for whatever is happening in town.
A regular place for locals to eat. Open air stalls served everything from fresh fish to fresh sheep's brains. There are snake charmers, trick monkeys, and numerous games of chance. These fellows seemed to be playing their drums 18 hours a day and could be heard throughout the square.
Cafe France - famous hang out for afternoon tea and endless people watching - but no alcohol. A place for the locals to obtain everyday goods and tourists to practice bargaining skills. A pharmacist peddles his wares.
There was a huge pile of money in the middle of this crowd. Neil checking the local wares. She bought a couple things while in Morocco. Hundreds of small shops lined the square and the alleys leading into it.