Eid al Adha
Eid al Adha celebrates the completion of the Hajj every year in Islam and is one of the major holidays of their calendar. We happened to be in Marrakech for the day and were invited to the home of Mohammed Alaouite for the occasion.

Celebrating the Sacrifice of the Sheep, Photo by Mike Greene

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The friendliness and hospitality of this Muslim family was the highlight of our trip. Mohammed provided djelabas for Larry, Spencer and me. The Alaouite's neighborhood in the new area of Marrakech. Mohammed is proud to own his own home. Enjoying pre-feast treats with the Alaouite family. Malika, in the red coat, invited us to her parents' home. In Islam, the slaying of the sheep signifies the sacrifice of a sheep by Abraham instead of his son, Ishmael.
Mohammed's grandson off to get the horns cut off the sheep's head. Neil celebrating with the neighborhood horn shearer Everybody wanted their picture taken for the celebration. Mohammed and Spencer with the unlucky sheep.